Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We know children are a gift from God, so we want to give them truth and encouragement so they can build a foundation of faith while they're young. That's why we offer children's ministry for nursery, toddlers, and 1st-6th grade during our Sunday morning service. Classes (for toddlers & children) will always begin with a Bible lesson, and may include interactive discussions, prayer, and activities.

Our Mission
Inviting children to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and to encourage them to share Him with others. Discipling children in their walk with the Lord through teaching God's Word, modeling Christ, and loving one another.
Kid's Services
Sunday Mornings
Every Sunday morning, there are classes available for children during the service. Children will learn lessons from the Bible in an interactive setting, and may participate in crafts or activities.
Every Sunday morning, there are classes available for children during the service. Children will learn lessons from the Bible in an interactive setting, and may participate in crafts or activities.
Wednesday Evenings
Every Wednesday evening, there are classes available for children and youth during the service. These classes range from toddlers ages 3-5, kids 1st-5th grade, and middle school/high school 6th-12th grade.
Every Wednesday evening, there are classes available for children and youth during the service. These classes range from toddlers ages 3-5, kids 1st-5th grade, and middle school/high school 6th-12th grade.
Our Children's Ministry
It is an honor to welcome your children to our children's ministry. We believe that God has given the first responsibility of children to parents; therefore, we see our role, as the Children's Ministry of Maranatha Fellowship, to partner parents in leading their children into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.
Each week we strive to present the message of Jesus in fun and creative ways. Your child will experience teaching that is age-appropriate and centered on Biblical Truth. We understand that there is nothing more precious to you than your child. That is why we work very hard to create a fun and safe learning environment. If you have questions about our children's ministry, please contact us below or give us a call!
Each week we strive to present the message of Jesus in fun and creative ways. Your child will experience teaching that is age-appropriate and centered on Biblical Truth. We understand that there is nothing more precious to you than your child. That is why we work very hard to create a fun and safe learning environment. If you have questions about our children's ministry, please contact us below or give us a call!
Because we like to encourage families to worship together as a unit, we do not provide a separate worship/singing session for children.
Children stay with parents during Sunday morning worship (10:30-11:00am) and Wednesday evening worship (7:00-7:30pm).
Children stay with parents during Sunday morning worship (10:30-11:00am) and Wednesday evening worship (7:00-7:30pm).